
Tyler Gaudin

The window for students to have health insurance is closing. March 31st is the deadline, and if they haven't enrolled by then, they could be fined by the government. Tyler Gaudin has more on the story.

The Affordable Care Act is beginning to take full effect, but many students are still confused about the legislation, nicknamed Obamacare.
The bill will force anyone who is not insured to purchase some form of government-approved program or face a penalty when they file their taxes. Some students, however, have decided that they would rather pay the penalty than pay for health insurance.
Many students believe that if they purchase health insurance through the healthcare-dot-gov website they will be buying a plan completely run by the government. This is not the case, however, as there are multiple private companies listed on the website.
Texas State University itself offers an optional health care plan students may purchase, and the Student Health Center is beginning to work with private insurance companies across Texas so that they may accept multiple plans and allow for the increase in students using insurance.
The Attorney for Students has also been helping students move toward becoming insured so that they will not have to pay penalties when they file their taxes.
SBSome students have one other option for health insurance. The law allows young adults to stay on their parents' policy until they are 26. For Bobcat Update, I'm Tyler Gaudin.

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