
April Adams

Spring has arrived and with it comes warmer temperatures.  But before you head out for some fun in the sun,  you should be aware of possible consequences. April Adams tells us more in this Bobcat Update...
Many people are enjoying outdoor activities and soaking up the sun.  Although sunshine can be good for you, too much exposure can lead to skin cancer. Biochemist Professor Kevin Lewis was diagnosed with skin cancer after many years of prolonged sun exposure.
(SB Kevin Lewis, Biochemist Professor)
Lewis says ultraviolet rays that penetrate the skin cause severe damage.
(SB Kevin Lewis)
STAND-UP: As many people know, using sunscreen with S-P-F 15 and beyond is a great product to use for protection from the sun.
San Marcos resident Frisbee Dan knows how important it is to protect his skin when he's out in the sun.
(SB Frisbee Dan, San Marcos resident)
 It's not possible to completely avoid sunlight, but taking steps to protect your skin from too much sun exposure can greatly reduce your risk of getting skin cancer. For Bobcat Update, I'm April Adams.

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