
Marylea Brown

Options for earning a bachelor's degree in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication may soon expand. Marylea Brown has more in this Bobcat Update.

As early as next fall, four of the five sequences -- Advertising, Electronic Media, Journalism and Public Relations -- may become Bachelor of Science programs. Currently, the School offers only a bachelor-of-arts degree. If approved, those who are enrolled will have a choice to remain as they are or switch programs.
Those who choose the Bachelor of Science degree will NOT be required to take two years of foreign languages but will instead be expected to take additional elective hours within the school.
Senior Academic Adviser Harry Bowers says although nothing has been set in stone, offering the B-S degree is a strong possibility.
The Bachelor of Arts option, including foreign languages, will remain for students who opt for the general sequence in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication. For Bobcat Update, I'm Marylea Brown.

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