
Jessica MacCall

San Marcos has many talented musicians, many of them attracted here by Texas State University. And some are hoping to make a career of performing music. Jessica MacCall has the story.

As if school and work were not enough to balance -- you'll also find some people driven by their passion, a passion for music. San Marcos has several venues for talented students to find an outlet for their creative energies.
San Marcos and Texas State provide a platform for these young musicians to be heard.
The Student Association for Campus Activities has booked Morphus Minds to play on campus.
The attention the band members are getting has started to pay off. Their hard work and networking have connected them with a recording studio in Austin.
The life of a musician, who also happens to be a student, can be challenging, but these students don't seem to mind because they're pursuing their passion.
For Bobcat Update, I'm Jessica MacCall.

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