
Andrea Rodriguez

A classic car museum in San Marcos is dedicated to preserving and displaying vintage automobiles. Bobcat Update's Andrea Rodriguez reports on how the non-profit museum plays an educational role as well.

Stand Up: Americans fell in love with the car industry, and Dick's Classic Garage Car Museum salutes that love affair right here in San Marcos.
The 43-thousand square foot facility houses 80 classic vehicles and memorabilia from the 1900's through the 1950's.
SB: (Fortney...8 secs...from all over)
The museum operates as a non-profit, educational foundation. Guests can learn about cars from the Great Depression to the early 1950's.
SB: (Fortney...15 secs...This is one)
The mission of Dick's Classic Car Garage is to show visitors the evolution of the automobile and how it has had an impact on society.
For Bobcat Update, I'm Andrea Rodriguez.

Maritza Acosta

Diversity on college campuses is desirable, and, in many ways, expected. Maritza (MUH-RITZ-UH) Cruz explains in this Bobcat Update.

Research shows cultural and ethnic diversity is a key component in providing a quality education, and Texas State is on the right track.
Some Texas State students believe having cultural awareness promotes higher levels of tolerance and helps with problem solving.
Professor Gloria Martinez says having diverse instructors is also helpful.
For Bobcat Update, I'm Maritza Cruz.

Olympia Mendoza

If your wallet feels a little empty, Money Savvy Cats can help you find the cash you need. Olympia (Uh-lim-pee-a) Mendoza (Men-dos-a) has more in this Bobcat Update.

Managing money is difficult for some people. Offering assistance is Money Savvy Cats -- a program designed to help students make better decisions when working with their finances. One common issue for students is that they don't know how to build and maintain good credit.
The program offers courses for which students can receive credit. For example, Consumers in the Marketplace and Family Finance are just two of the courses a student can take. The courses focus on personal financial management.
Money Savvy Cats advises students to keep track of all transactions to avoid identity theft.
Stand Up:Saving money can be quite the challenge for the life of a college student. Money Savvy Cats prevent students from being in lifelong debt and gives tips on cashing in the big bucks. For Bobcat Update, I'm Olympia Mendoza.


Lauren Higdon

Giving blood is truly a gift of life, and a great way to help out individuals in need. Lauren Higdon has more in this Bobcat Update.

Blood drives on college campuses are common, and they're necessary -- as a way to increase the blood supply. The Blood and Tissue Center of Central Texas was recently at Texas State to gather donations before school is out for the summer.
The before and after process of giving blood is important to follow, and essential in your recovery after a blood donation.
A Texas State sorority helped spread the word about the importance of blood donations in hopes of getting students involved.
Ending with stand-up while giving blood.

Taylor Alanis

San Marcos is certainly more than just a stop along I-35. It's become a destination and that means newer and bigger hotels coming to town. Bobcat Update's Taylor Alanis has more.

With San Marcos attracting more tourists, the city needs for more hotel rooms.
According to representatives from the San Marcos visitor's center, the city will welcome six new hotels over the next 18 months, including big names like Holiday Inn and Marriott. There is a high demand for family-friendly stays with accommodations like restaurants, adjoining rooms, and free Wi-Fi. Some San Marcos hotel employees don't mind the new and bigger neighbors. In fact, some even welcome them.
San Marcos Area Chamber of Commerce President Brian Bondy says it was just a matter of time before San Marcos got more hotels. The city is growing as more businesses and people make San Marcos their home.
Although some current hotel employees agree the new hotels will bring more business to the city, it also means more competition.
Bondy says the busiest time of the year is during Spring graduation and summer. Hotels book their rooms pretty fast this time of year.
SB(Stand-up) Among the new hotels will be this Marriott Courtyard which will feature a resort style swimming pool, theater room and fire pits for guests. Although it won't be open in time for graduation, its 97 rooms will open just in time for the busiest parts of summer. For Bobcat Update, I'm Taylor Alanis.

Audrey Seifert

The school year is winding down and that means students are finishing their projects and taking their finals. Then, it's time for the next step. Bobcat Update's Audrey Seifert (sigh-fert) reports on what some students are planning to do this summer.

(Stand Up) While some students are worrying about their grades.
SB Chavis Hamilton)
Or getting excited about graduation.
SB Perrett)
Everyone has plans for the break. Many are getting ready for travel.
(SB Katherine Hornak & Thomas/Tirado)
If they can afford it.
(SB Hamilton)
Others are ready to get to work on new job opportunities and even summer classes.
(SB Emily Mark, Michael Iven, & Emily Nye)
While everyone's plans may different, there's one thing they have in common.
(SB Hornak, Nye, Mark, Thomas/Tirado)
(Stand Up)

Adriana Candelaria

Students with learning disabilities face obstacles as they pursue their education but many find ways to overcome them. If anything—they seem to dig deeper to find solutions. Adriana Candelaria has more in this Bobcat Update.

Andrew Bradley says note taking is a challenge for him because the classroom can be distracting. Students merely shuffling their feet or tapping their pencil can throw him off. But Bradley says he works with his professors and gets help when he needs it
SB: (Bradley…15 sces.. get it on paper)
Students with legal documentation can sign up with the testing center located under Commons dinning hall to be accommodated in an environment that suits them best. Heidi Moore who is a supervisor at the testing center says services provide a gateway for the student’s success.
SB: (Moore...20 secs… in your grades)
Stand up:(Candelaria…20 secs…for Bobcat Update, Adriana Candelaria)

Katelynn Duane

Some major cities, including San Antonio and Houston, are making fewer public intoxication arrests because law enforcement officials have an alternative. Bobcat Update's Katelynn Duane reports on the pros and cons of what are called sobriety centers. 

Public Intoxication is a class C misdemeanor. But due to the nature of a P-I, police can spend up to an hour booking an individual for an offense. Texas State Police Captain Daniel Benitez says that decriminalizing P-I's could be a good thing but worries that the number of offenses could go up if there's no punishment.
"It could provide a safe haven, it would save us time and it could save us money, downfalls include that people could not suffer consequences from their actions."
"It takes more of cops time and it takes more tax dollars and they won't have to spend that money any more which is good, but then they won't think that they'll get punished for their actions."
Texas State Freshman Matthew Hubble has dealt with a P-I charge firsthand and thinks decriminalization is the way to go.
"After I was released I still had the arrest and the charges over my shoulder even though I had been released from jail."
By decriminalizing public intoxication, offenders would be free to leave the center without any repercussions after they've sobered up.
"Honestly feel like the pi charge is so they're not causing harm to themselves or others, and putting them in center is going to take them away from danger."
"According to the Texas State police department records, 27 people have already been arrested for public intoxication this year."
That number doesn't include San Marcos P-D arrests. For Bobcat Update, I'm Katelynn Duane.


Jeffrey Stringer

Stress is a way of life when finals come around, and the best way to beat the butterflies is to find a healthy way to relieve stress. Jeffrey Stringer has more in this Bobcat Update.

The best way to avoid stress is to study early and often. This can be achieved in a variety of ways from studying in a group at SLAC to creating and reviewing flashcards on your own.
SB: My Mind…Kathy Tran….5 sec
Another simple way to lower stress is by organizing your class material. You could combine your teacher's presentations with your notes along with information from textbooks. Some students organize their material by typing what they've written as notes while others rewrite what they believe are important parts of the lecture.
SB: For Me…Brittany Vazquez…10 sec
The easiest way is to beat stress is to be prepared. Look over the material in advance and get enough sleep before the big test. If you find yourself suffering from insomnia, Texas State has a sleep lab available for students where doctors are available to analyze you while you sleep so you can find the cure for your sleepless nights.
SB: Already know…Carmen Westerberg…15 sec
Standup: Jeffrey Stringer….Jeffrey Stringer…6 sec

Jordan Chavez

For all you music lovers, K-T-S-W will host the seventh annual Mister Fest later this month. The event will showcase several local artists and will also feature a comedy show and poetry readings. Mister Fest will be held at eight different venues in downtown San Marcos. You can find a schedule for the shows at M-R-fest-dot-net. There will also be a vendor market on the courthouse lawn. But if you're concerned about spending too much money, don't worry -- all of the events are free. The Mister Fest slogan this year is No cash, No Wristband. No Problem.

Zach Harrow

The Personalized Academic and Career Exploration center, commonly known as PACE, will host a collection of conference-style events this week. The events are designed to promote a student's transition to having full-major status at Texas State. A variety of events will be offered in the L-B-J Student Center Ballroom. The events will cover such topics as creating a professional image and taking the next step in pursuing a college degree. There will be free food and door prizes at the events.  More information can be found at the U-A-C or at the L-B-J Student Center.


Aiden Diaz

A couple of student organizations have teamed up to offer free meals each week. United Campus Ministry-Wesley and Christ Chapel provide the lunches every Monday. The organizations start serve from noon until one-30, or until the food runs out. The free lunches will continue for two more weeks before shutting down for the summer. The U-C-M Wesley building is located on five-ten North Guadalupe Street in San Marcos.


Isamar Terrazas

It's an unprecedented gathering of Presidents in Austin. A civil rights summit at the L-B-J Presidential Library continues. Today the keynote speaker was President Obama. Bobcat Update's Isamar Terrazas is there and files this report.

President Obama arrived in Texas yesterday to make a stop at Fort Hood to pay tribute to the victims of the recent mass shooting at the base. He and the First Lady then traveled to Austin. Protesters greeted the presidential entourage, but at the civil rights summit they were given a warm reception. In remarks for the occasion, President Obama said progress can be slow and difficult process, but President Johnson found ways to make things happen and one of his stellar achievements was passage of the Civil Rights Act.
(Obama... your vision)
President Obama and former presidents Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush are participating in the summit. In his speech yesterday afternoon, former president Clinton said the Johnson legacy not only included Civil Rights but voting rights as well.
Former President Bush will speak tonight. The events in Austin are being held to mark the 50th anniversary of passage of the Civil Rights Act.
Reporting from Austin at the L-B-J Presidential Library, I'm Isamar Terrazas.


Tyler Gaudin

A student organization for transgender students at Texas State is promoting greater awareness of issues that affect them on campus. Tyler Gaudin has more in this Bobcat Update:.

News reports suggest that students who are transgender face discrimination. For example, a transgender student in Oregon recently was kicked out of his dorm at George Fox University because it was an all-male dorm. If such an incident occurred at Texas State, an organization exists that could offer support to those who feel victimized: Standup: Texas State is the only university in the nation with an organization for transgender students. The organization is called Transcend. Transcend sponsored a webinar this past Tuesday to give transgender students an opportunity to talk about their experiences.
SB: Trans.
Some students believe Texas State is an accepting campus.
SB: Greg
There's also an organization on campus called Allies to provide support for the broader L-G-B-T-Q-I-A community.
SB: Corey
The Allies group also offers training for faculty, staff and students to help them identify and address discriminatory behavior. For Bobcat Update, I'm Tyler Gaudin.


Iris Fulton

With only one month left until the end of the semester, many students are feeling the time crunch to apply for jobs. Iris Fulton has more on how students can prepare.

Applying for jobs can be stressful, especially when it comes to building the resume that could make or break you. Career Advisor Allison Birk says Career Services offers a lot to ease the job-search stress.
SB (Allison Birk-Career Advisor)
Along with resume assistance, Career Services helps students with the entire job interview process.
SB (Mimi Nguyer- Senior student)
All of the services offered are free to any Texas State student.
SB (Blan Dysart- Career Counselor-Intern)
(Standup) Whether you’re a graduating senior trying to land a good job, or you’re a student applying for a summer job to earn a little extra cash, career services is here on the fifth floor of LBJ student center to help you create a stellar resume. For Bobcat Update, I’m Iris Fulton.

Chayne Lawson

The Associated Student Government plays an important role on campus as it strives to improve student life at Texas State. Chayne Lawson has more in this Bobcat Update.

Student body president Vanessa Cortez has been involved with A-S-G for the past four years. She says she hopes school spirit has been bolstered during her tenure.
The student body recently voted for some constitutional changes affecting A-S-G, and the organization will soon change its name.
Cortez says she's helping now in making the transition to a new president.
Stand-up: If you are a Texas State student with ideas or concerns, Cortez encourages you to be involved with the Associated Student Government. For Bobcat Update, I’m Chayne Lawson.


Tyler Padalecki

A couple of Texas State organizations are teaming up to raise money for a national charity. Tyler Padalecki has more in this Bobcat Update.

The Order of Omega and the Texas State Dean of Students Office are working together to help raise money for St. Jude Children's Hospital. Part of the effort was a 1990s-themed Greek Week last week during which the university’s fraternities and sororities competed in several events. The pageant included a runway show.
For Bobcat Update, I’m Tyler Padalecki

Ila Mar

It's registration time again, and finding the best classes for your lifestyle isn't always easy. Ila Mar brings us some helpful resources to find classes that are your perfect fit.

Here at Texas State there are many online options available that help you find classes to your liking before registering. One outlet that many students don't realize is available is the public access page on the Texas State website. This webpage allows students to view details about a particular class and even view instructor evaluations. Many Texas State administrators want to remind students that this resource can be better than other course rating websites.
SB: (Thorne...12 sec...conversation.)
The public access page offers professor resumes, specific course syllabi for comparing classes, and student critiques in a bar graph format for easy reading. Dr. Thorne believes that public student evaluations are more credible than ratings on other sites, because every student has to complete them.
SB: (Thorne...14 sec...evaluation.)
Freshman Justin Lee, says he doesn't know many students who have used the page before, but after using it himself, he highly recommends it.
SB: (Lee...7 sec...or not.)
Texas State syllabi are uploaded before each semester, and evaluations are updated a few weeks after each semester ends. For Bobcat Update, I'm Ila Mar.

Megan Carthel

The San Marcos Police Department will say goodbye to Chief Howard Williams later this year. Megan Carthel has more on this story.

After 36 years on the police force, Chief Howard Williams now says, it's simply time to go.
Williams: "…been a blast" :10
Williams, a graduate of Texas State, joined the San Marcos Police Department in July 2003 and guided the department through a period of growth, from a budget of seven-point-seven million dollars and 109 employees in 2003 to 13-point-three million dollars and 141 employees today. He's also written three books in police sciences.
Williams: "…to be the first one" :08
Williams says his time in the force has been filled with many happy and satisfying moments, but some sad ones as well.
Williams : "…bike accident" :15
Williams says he's looking forward to spending more time with his wife and spoiling his grandchildren.
Williams: "…vegetate":10
Chief Williams has bonded with his staff over the past eleven years in a way most bosses do not.
Klett: "…happy birthday" :08
Wiseness: "…birthday" :08
Williams: Happy birthday song :10
Wisener: "..jokester" :05
However, Chief Williams, lovingly called Howy by friends and coworkers will also be remembered by his great work within the community.
Klett: "..home phone" :08
Wisener: "…brilliant" :05
Williams says he loves his line of work because of the satisfaction it brings him.
Williams: "…doing right" :09
Williams last day as chief will be August 1st. For Bobcat Update, I'm Megan Carthel.

Zach Harrow

With graduation coming up students are starting to look for jobs and plan for their future careers. This week Texas State is hosting events for students across all majors on their path to a strong career. Events are going on in LBJ, Tower Hall and Old Main and will allow students to network with professionals and ask questions. Students who are interested in interning, volunteering, or working abroad, will be able to learn more from representatives from a wide range of study abroad programs. Starting tonight there will be an Education Career Mixer in Tower Hall from six to seven p-m.


Isamar Terrazas

Large areas of Texas are coping with severe drought. In this Bobcat Update, Isamar Terrazas tells us what it would take to get out of these dry conditions.

Spring is normally a wet season for parts of Texas, but most of the state has so far seen little rainfall. The Lone Star State has been in a drought for almost four years. The 2013 Halloween flood helped a little, but its impact was brief.
Spencer...15 secs...out of the woods. 
The flood may have provided some relief from the drought for a couple of days, but so far this year Central Texas has only seen two-inches of rain. With hurricane season right around the corner, [TITLE FIRST NAME] Spencer says being hit by a major storm might be a good thing for Texas.
Spencer...15 secs...tropical system.
Stand-up: Grasses haven't turned green because the period from December through February is the 10th driest in the last 10 years, and March hasn't helped at all.
The City of San Marcos is currently under stage-two water restrictions, which means only scheduled watering is allowed. One positive result of the restrictions has been lower utility bills.
Klein...15 secs...will be lower.
City officials recommend cutting water usage even more if it's possible. Forecasters are already predicting what the summer season has in store.
Spencer...10 secs...not good news.
Fines for breaking the stage-two water restrictions in San Marcos range from 100 to two-thousand dollars. For Bobcat Update, I'm Isamar Terrazas.

Olympia Mendoza

A mentoring program called, Brilliant Bobcats, offers workshops that teach students special strategies to ace their exams. Olympia (Uh-lim-pee-a) Mendoza (Men-dos-a) has more in this Bobcat Update. 

Having trouble with a class? No need to stress because Brilliant Bobcats is here to help get students back on track. The program was created by the Retention Management and Planning Office and is designed to work on issues such as procrastination, fear of public speaking, and financial crises.
Brilliant Bobcats instruct students on how to improve their note-taking skills and be better test takers. Setting goals and then keeping them is part of the process. Academic coaching is available to those who want one-on-one training.
Students can attend the upcoming workshops by registering on the Texas State website.
Stand up: Being well organized and learning time management skills are one of the many things that help students achieve academic success. Brilliant Bobcats is a program that offers many resources to help students prepare for the challenges of college life.  For Bobcat Update, I'm Olympia Mendoza.

Yolis Arroyo

Most college students seem to take it for granted that they can work out the simple problems in life -- getting to class on time, keeping their grades up, or finding a parking spot on campus. However, one Texas State University student finds even the simple tasks can be challenging. Yolis (YO-LEASE) Arroyo (AH-ROW-YO) has more in this Bobcat Update…

Two years ago, Nathan Garcia would never have guessed that his blurry vision would be the first symptom of a life-altering condition.
(Garcia…12 secs…the bottom.)
Nathan served in the Army Reserves while attending college and visited an eye doctor after he had problems seeing while performing a drill. That doctor referred him to specialists who conducted an M-R-I and found cysts. Nathan had brain surgery to remove the cysts. But it wasn't the surgery that caused Nathan to be afraid.
(Garcia…9 secs…hearing that.)
He was later diagnosed with a rare disease called neuromyelitis optica, which affects the optic nerves and spinal cord. Doctors now consider him legally blind. For Nathan, everyday tasks now require extra effort.
(Garcia…14 secs…Cowboys play.)
Stand up: Nathan says he's learned to truly appreciate the little things in life, and that small acts of kindness can have a huge impact.
(Hill…12 secs…vision disability.)
(Garcia…7 secs…was huge.)Nathan says anyone can be going through a lot more than what's on the surface, and for that reason, it's important not to judge a book by its cover. For Bobcat Update, I'm Yolis Arroyo.


Jordan Chavez

An increasing number of professors are relying on technology to teach courses and interact with students. Jordan Chavez has more in this Bobcat Update.

From assigning homework to posting grades, professors are changing the way they communicate with students.
Commuting students say having professors who use technology is an advantage for them.
Math Professor Shawn Peterson says he uses a phone app called Top Hat to give students a short quiz at the beginning of each class.
For Bobcat Update, I'm Jordan Chavez.

Zach Harrow

More green space is being planned for Texas State. The area near Commons hall will soon have a different look and feel. At a presentation held in L-B-J this afternoon, plans were outlined for the redevelopment of Bobcat Trail. The road between Flowers Hall and the Commons Dining hall will be re-designed, replacing the current road and bus loop with student walkways and trails. The construction of the project will have an impact on bus service, vehicle and pedestrian traffic, parking and campus accessibility. Construction is expected to start as early as next month and be completed by December of 2015.


Chayne Lawson

Superfly's is a local retailer of Lone Star music. It occupies the store that for many years had Sundance Records. Texas musicians benefit from Superfly's emphasis on Lone Star music. For example, Randy Rogers will release his latest C-D and D-V-D called Homemade Tamales on April 14th at the store. Rogers will also be selling homemade tamales, showing parts of his D-V-D and playing songs, starting at 6 p.m.

Katie Sarkhosh

Paws Market in the L-B-J Student Center will be changing management soon. Chartwells, which already controls most of the food options on campus, will take over the Paws Market by the end of the semester. Until then, the market will remain student run. School officials say the management change was needed because Paws Market is now less profitable.  

Tyler Gaudin

Texas State's Department of Theater and Dance is opening a new production Monday called Anything Goes. Directed by Kaitlin Hopkins, the production will be the first musical performed at the University's new Performing Arts Center, Anything Goes -- written by Cole Porter --  will run each evening April seventh through the 15th with a matinee on Sunday April 13th. Tickets are 15 to 18 dollars for adults and 8 dollars for students.

Adriana Candelaria

Two organizations on campus are on a mission to educate students about the warning signs of cancer. Adriana Candelaria has more in this Bobcat Update

Testicular cancer may not be one of the top things on a college student's mind but when it comes to grabbing attention for a good cause-- Fashion Nation and the Cancer Advocacy Movement for Colleges and Outreach program thought outside the box to gather a big crowd. Pants were substituted for colorful boxers and hand-sewn messages against the rare disease that affects one percent of male cancers.
True life stories of cancer survivors were a reminder that cancer can hit ANYONE
A survey for each guest compared the before and after effect of the show. Students like Elijah Serena found the educational videos and presenters influential in adding a new task to their daily routine.Standup: April is testicular cancer awareness month. The disease is most commong amons men ages 15 through 35 which is why organizations on campus are hosting events such as Boxer Night to save a life. For Bobcat Update, Adriana Candelaria.