
Hunter Cortez

Student feedback is being sought on how to improve the university's library. Hunter Cortez has more in this Bobcat Update.

Libqual is a national survey that is sent to campus libraries around the country. It allows students to access a questionnaire that takes about five-to-ten minutes to complete. University Librarian Joan Heath says comments received from the survey are used to make changes -- such as buying new furniture and upgrading computer labs. Many students, though, haven't heard of the survey Libqual. The ones who have say they believe their voices are being heard.
Library administrators are offering incentives to complete the survey. However, one student says such enticements -- for example, possibly winning a set of Dr. Dre's headphones -- are NOT enough to convince her the survey is worth her time.
Library administrators say students still have two weeks left to participate in the survey. For Bobcat Update, I'm Hunter Cortez.

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