
Chris Sells

Tax Day is right around the corner. If you haven't filed yet, it's time to get your paperwork in order. Chris Sells has more in this Bobcat Update...
For students who have jobs, Uncle Sam is expecting his share. It's time to file your taxes. Many students have already done so...
...and some haven't...
If you fall into the latter category, it's better if you DON'T wait until the last minute.
Stand-up: If you're a do-it-yourselfer, there are a number of online programs you can use to file your taxes. But if you feel like you need some help, you might consider visiting a tax preparer.
Whether you get help or decide to tackle the task on your own, remember the last day to file your taxes or ask for an extension is April 15th and the I-R-S isn't as forgiving as some of your professors when it comes to deadlines. For Bobcat Update, I'm Christopher Sells.

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