
Carlos Garcia

Dining halls across campus are now posting nutrition guides for the meals they provide. As Carlos Garcia tells us in this Bobcat Update, the guides, if used, can help students make better choices for nutrition.

Standup: Dining halls at Texas State serve thousands of students each semester. But this year they are serving up a lot more in terms of health and nutrition.
With just a click online, students who use any of Texas State's eight dining halls and cafes now have access to the nutritional content of their food. That's because "Chartwells"-the company that provides the food, wanted to address student health concerns. 
ABELSOT: ....people are self-conscious of what they eat...
"Balanced U" - the nutrition initiative- identifies the amount of fat, protein and carbs that are consumed, and even more extensive details are available on the website.
BRIDGEstandup: Students seeking healthier diets will enjoy the benefits of this initiative, but some fitness professionals say that nutrition is just one component of overall health.
Despite the benefits of exercise, data from the Journal of Physical Activity and Health show that 23 percent of students STOP participating in physical activity once they reach college. Personal Fitness and Wellness Coordinator Mark Grande says complacency is a real risk.   
MARKSOT: ...eating well is important, but exercising regularly is also key...
OUTstandup: Beginning a healthy lifestyle could be difficult for some, but knowing what you're eating could serve as an important first step. For Bobcat Update, I'm Carlos Garcia.

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