
Caitlin Greenlee

Texas State provides a helpful service to bike owners. Caitlin Greenlee tells us more in this Bobcat Update:

People who ride bicycles on a regular basis probably know that bikes are not always cheap and easy to repair. But a service offered at Texas State can help when the need arises. Since 2007 the Bike Cave has been a place to go for repairs.
The co-op is able to operate using donations from the community and tuition fees. Every semester, students are charged a one-dollar environmental fee. A fee, which Tim Hayes says, gets pooled into a fund that is then distributed by the Environmental Service Committee to places like the Bike Cave.
Hayes, who rides his bike everywhere, says The Bike Cave is a unique and much needed service. Other students agree, stating that they prefer riding their bikes over driving vehicles, but that wouldn't be possible without the Bike Cave.
The Bike Cave is located in room 100 of the Colorado Building on Pleasant Street. It's open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday to anyone on two wheels. For Bobcat Update, I'm Caitlin Greenlee.

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