
Adrianna Garcia

The Fluoride-Free San Marcos Coalition wants the city to stop adding fluoride to the local water system. The group says fluoride is harmful to humans and has led an effort to allow voters to decide whether the practice should be stopped. Adrianna Garcia tells us more in this Bobcat Update.

Water is essential. You need it to drink, take showers, cook and clean. And it's essential for water to be free of contaminants. However, a coalition called Fluoride-Free San Marcos believes the city is causing harm when it adds fluoride to the water supply. The coalition’s main focus is to create awareness about the potential dangers of fluoride. The coalition is using phone banks and social media to spread the word. The group has been fighting against using fluoride for two and a half years. Its members say they won’t stop until fluoride is out of the system for good.
The City Council voted to put the fluoride issue on the November ballot after the Fluoride-Free San Marcos group submitted a petition. There will be two propositions on the ballot. Proposition one prohibits the addition of industrial fluoride to the San Marcos’ water supply. Proposition Two makes it more difficult for citizens to petition for City Charter Amendments.
(Standup outro)

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