
Alex Hering

Texas State University Police say they are logging in to your favorite social networks to catch crimes on campus. Alex Hering has more on the story
There wasn't much evidence left to gather once Sergeant Bran Carpenter arrived at the fire-damaged Lyndon  Johnson statue in 2008. But Carpenter says YOU-Tube turned out to be a helpful resource in finding the people who committed the crime.  Carpenter says U-P-D will log onto such sites to search for leads.
SB - Sgt Carpenter
Carpenter says YOU-Tube has been helpful in tracking down graffiti and tagger footage. But some students are wary of the police techniques -- fearing that it may be an invasion of privacy
SB - Student
U-P-D says tracking video evidence online makes sense because it's already publicly available and easy to find.
For Bobcat Update, I'm Alex Hering.

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