
Karla Estrada

Perhaps you've heard the term -- it's been in the news lately -- Vodka Balling.   In this Bobcat Update, Karla Estrada tells us what Vodka Balling means and who's being affected.
Featured on YouTube are people who have tried it.  Some of the TV stations in Austin and San Antonio have picked up on the phenomenon.  Vodka Balling is -- get this -- shooting straight vodka directly into your eyes just to get drunk faster.  Sounds pretty bizarre, right?
Julie Eckert of Health Promotion Services at Texas State says putting alcohol in your eyes can be more than painful--it can lead to blindness. She says there's a big difference between drinking alcohol and putting it in your eyes.
Eckert also says no cases of vodka balling have been reported at the Student Health Center.
Local bar owners are skeptical.  The ones we talked to haven't seen anyone engage in Vodka Balling.
Seems the only people that know what vodka balling is, heard about it in a news report.

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