
Robert Fisher

Every freshman at Texas State has to go through orientation to learn how to navigate around campus, but that doesn't mean they learn everything there is to know about what makes the place interesting. Robert Fisher has the story.

Pay attention now, there'll be a quiz at the end of this.
Here are the facts. Residential College. Have you heard about it? It's open to all freshmen and includes three residential halls: Brogdon, Beretta and Laurel. You have to be pretty smart to be a part of it.
Another fun fact: Texas State is a diverse campus. The student body closely resembles the make-up of Central Texas with 65-percent white, 25-percent Hispanic, 6-percent African American and 3-percent Asian.
The campus newspaper. Texas State's University Star is the fourth oldest student-run newspaper in Texas: founded in 1911.
Editor in Chief Allen Reed says the secret to the Star's longevity is its integrity.
For all the social media fans, Texas State ranks fifth. Yeh, but we're moving up…we are after all the rising star in Texas. How many fans do you think Texas State has?

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