Texas State has been offering influenza vaccines to students who want to reduce their chances of getting seasonal flu.
Health Education Coordinator Ashlee Dozier (Doz-e-air) says there is a greater demand for flu shots this season.
The student population this fall is over 30 thousand and maintaining good health is a major concern because germs and viruses can spread easily on a college campus. While they had the opportunity, students lined up for shots to reduce their chances of getting sick and missing class.
Communication Disorders Grad Student Elizabeth Saenz (Sigh-inz) says it's important to get vaccinated.
Besides getting a shot, students can reduce the risk of infection by following a few easy guidelines. For example, after using computers keyboards or opening doors, students should wash their hands or use sanitizer to kill harmful bacteria and reduce the spread germs. Also, students should make sure they have tissues handy in the event of coughing or sneezing. If no tissues are available, they ought to sneeze into their shirtsleeves rather than their hands.
It is important to note that annual flu shots are different from the prevention efforts underway to stop the H1-N1 virus from spreading. H1-N1 shots will be offered later this fall.
For Bobcat Update, I'm Nathan Estrada.
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